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Hire expert freelance eCommerce developers through Useme, your ideal solution for seamless, efficient online store development. With us, employers effortlessly overcome hiring complexities, as we handle all formalities, eliminating the need for traditional contracts and tedious paperwork. Opt for cost-effective, top-tier talent without the hassle. Choose Useme, where hiring an e-commerce developer means simplicity, affordability, and unmatched quality, all in one platform

I am a graduate of the Cracow University of Science, specialization: Mechanical Engineering. I have very broad...

I possess remarkable interpersonal, organizational and time management skills. I am well versed in all the Microsoft...

View my portfolio: Innovative interactive agency that specializes in designing and building web sites and portals,...

I am a developer that creating programs and mobile apps in C++/Qt, and I also create website.

My name is Wojciech. I am a pasionate of programming and information technology. Since 2004 I analyse, design,...

I am Freelancer and create high-quality templates in technology Responsive Web Design for popular content management...

I'm Programmer since few years. I can write in PHP (including Symfony),C++,and something in Java or Scala. I...

Professionally / productively: - Java: Seam 2.x, Seam 3.x, Jboss 4.x - 7.x, JSF 1.2 i 2.1, RichFaces, Hibernate 3.0,...

Welcome to Brainet, a leading Dubai-based company specializing in software engineering, artificial intelligence,...

Recent jobs from category Web development

583 jobs in 16 categories Find a job

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    Miłosz Bolszaków
    Hi, I am looking for someone to put up a website on wordpress according to the graphic design. I am interested in using the latest technology, the site must be fast and responsive. If someone has to click the page in elementor and oxygene then please do not make an offer. Only serious offers.
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    Portal for Auditors
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for an experienced professional or team to help me create a new portal dedicated to external consultants and companies seeking consulting services. The portal aims to facilitate networking between companies and consultants and will have the following functionalities: Portal functionalities: 👥 For Consultants: Ability to create an account with a detailed profile (scope of services, experience, industries, number of orders completed). Visualization of location and territorial scope of activity on the map of Poland. Option to purchase PREMIUM version to increase visibility on the platform. 🏢 For Companies: Ability to create an account and search for consultants according to various criteria: location, scope of services, experience, industries. Option to purchase a PREMIUM account to get direct access to contact selected consultants. In the second phase of development, we plan to add the ability for companies to create events/orders that will be visible to consultants.
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    Rafal 1 deal
    Due to the voluminousness of the file and describing it in PDF - functionalities + goals I am uploading a request in the form of a PDF file in which our needs + goals are described. I am open to suggestions, regarding the optimization of the concept and the direction of the concept.
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    Joanna 1 deal
    Online store on Idosell
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hello, I am looking for a person to make an online store on a standard Idosell template. Home furnishings store (adding categories, banners, product cards, configuration, etc). I would like it to be a person who already has a lot of experience in this platform. Please send me your previous projects.
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    Automatyzacja Dominik Smul ⚙️
    Hello, A simple and quick assignment. Looking for a person to create a business card site for an agency that offers automation. The site is already hosted and the home page has been created. The assignment includes: - Creation of graphics for the pages - Creation of pages: contact, about us, case study, Services - Creation of forms that allow customers to send messages - Optimization of pages for SEO The main page has been created, which lays a decent foundation for the rest of the site.
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    I am looking for a person to create a sales website on which it will be possible to set up a customer profile with a view to orders, containing seamless electronic payments. I will provide more information in a message.
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    GrafikOnline.PL 16 deals
    I am looking for a programmer who will make additional functionality to the site details after analyzing the offers.
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    DreamCrusher 59 deals
    Website on CMS for videopodcasts
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a contractor for a website under videopodcasts, ie, on the home page have been arranged videopodcasts in an accessible way, ie, large frames with videos from YT, to this additional icons, links where you can listen to watch outside the service (spotify, apple podcasts) etc. Need a good layout concept. On cms, a few sections (contact, about us, etc.) + a blog-text section, where you will be able to upload possibly textual content for podcasts, as add-ons. Please give me budget suggestions. I don't click on bids where someone has a written hourly rate, because if someone has experience they will offer an estimate of the number of hours and a cost estimate. You can ask for additional details, although the project is in development, so I also count on the experience of the contractor. It is supposed to be simple, clear and accessible to the user. The main task is to display videopodcasts, suggesting the most interesting, latest ones, possibly thematic sections, but not too many. Possibly some kind of box with a countdown to the release of a new episode, etc.
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    Website modification
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi 👋🏼 Looking for a person to modify my current website for a small service company. The site is to be a showcase of the company, services, and a sign-up form with the ability to sign up for a particular service. The order includes: - a new, neat and modern graphic design that harmonizes with the corporate identity - simple and functional use on a computer and mobile version - maximum 3-4 sub-pages - the main page should include information such as: offer, reviews pulled from Google, information about us, team, application form, footer with location - an important point is also to create/modify the current texts on the site for SEO and increase relevance by properly structuring the texts with keywords. Currently, the site stands on WordPress.
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    Jakub Sztuba
    Solving the problem with wp-cron.php
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi. I am looking for support to operate a store on Woocommerce. The first order of business is to solve a problem with wp-cron. The server is overloaded, and - as the hosting writes - "The cause of the saturation is the number of wp-cron.php tasks and the repulsions generated by Google and Big indexing bots:". The recommendation from the hosting is "I recommend moving the cron tasks to the system cron.". However, I am open to other suggestions. If you are willing, please include in your message: - pricing - implementation time - the way/ideas for the solution (in a few words what will be checked, done) - a link to your realizations, a few words about experience. I'm not asking for no reason, possible permanent cooperation on WP + Woo management.