Conversion setup:, google tag manager, analytics, pinterest, facebook, instagram etc.

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  • no avatar
    Store in woocomerce
    600.00 PLN
    ❌Store must be done in 4 days ❌. Needs a store on WOO with a template plain simple connected; for invoicing Autopay courier EPaka baselinker to a wholesaler that has an XML file, setting seo and meta Google, plugin for translated other languages German English .... Newseleer, cookies, connection to a mailing program, such basic things for the operation of the store and functioning I would like it to more or less look like in the sense of such transparent. The second store will be the same only different color connected under another wholesaler on file. He signs a contract first for one store. And then after done another contract for the second one
Tabasamu sp. z o. o.
Tabasamu sp. z o. o.
3 deals
Job category:
Webistes administration
Expected budget:

400.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a person to professionally set up all useful conversions and tags for analytics: analytics, tag manager, fb pixel, intagram, pinterst etc.

Conversions like: add product to cart, customer behavior on portal etc.

Concerns an online store engaged in the manufacture of solid wood and steel furniture.

I am interested in advice, which is important in the process of analysis.

Information from Useme: bidding is possible only if:

- possession of a valid student ID card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age)

- a confirmed statement of full-time employment for at least the minimum wage

- having a business activity

The job in figures:

A few tens of minutes for a person who has a clue about it

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